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8/14/22.........Joshua 2
1/9/22 ..........INTRODUCTION TO 1st PETER (1 Peter 1:1-2)
1/16/22..........HOPE FLOATS! (!st Peter 1:3-5)
1/23/22..........FAITH UNDER FIRE (1st Peter 1:6-9)
1/30/22..........MORE CAUSE TO MARVEL! (1st Peter 1:10-12)
2/6/22..........FROM HOLE TO WHOLE TO HOLY (1st Peter 1:13-16)
2/13/22..........MOTIVATION CALCULATION (1st Peter 1:17-21)
2/20/22..........BORN AGAIN TO LOVE (1st Peter 1:22-25)
2/27/22..........THE SOUL FOOD DIET or MILK ... IT DOES THE BODY GOOD (1st Peter 2:1-3)
3/6/22..........LIVING BUILDING STONES (1st Peter 2:4-8)
3/13/22..........OUR CINDERELLA STORY (1st Peter 2:9-10)
3/20/22..........THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK - CREDIBLE OR CROCK (1st Peter 2:11-12)
3/27/22..........RENDERING TO CAESAR ... (1st Peter 2:13-17)
4/3/22..........MY BOSS SAYS THEY'RE BOSS (1st Peter 2:18-20)
4/10/22..........WHAT A WEEK! (Select Scriptures)
4/17/22..........A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH (Selected Scriptures)
4/24/22..........FOLLOW ME! (1st Peter 2:21-25)
5/1/22..........MANAGING YOUR MAN (1st Peter 3:1-6)
5/8/22...........LIVING WITH 'EM (1st Peter 3:7)
5/15/22..........COMIN' 'ROUND (1st Peter 3:8-12)
5/22/22..........THE WOMAN, THE CHILD, AND THE DRAGON (Rev. 12)
6/5/22..........THE CHARACTER WITNESS (1st Peter 3:13-17)
6/12/22..........PASSION PERSPECTIVE (1st Peter 3:18-22)
6/19/22..........FROM NOW ON (1st Peter 4:1-6)
7/3/22..........DEALING WITH THE DEALT ORDEAL (1st Peter 4:12-19)
7/10/22..........SHEPHERD THE FLOCK (1st Peter 5:1-4)
7/17/22..........SHEEPISH ATTITUDES OF GOD'S FLOCK - Part One (1st Peter 5:5-9)
7/24/22..........SHEEPISH ATTITUDES OF GOD'S FLOCK - Part 2 (1st Peter 5:10-14)
7/31/22..........GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME (Joshua 1:1-9)
8/14/22.......Joshua 3 God is Good all the time
8/28/22...........Joshua 4 God is good all the time
9-25-22 Who Leads the Church Bill Hyslip
11-06-22........Daniel 9 "From Pryers to Prophecy" Part I
11-13-22........Daniel 9 from Prayers to Prophecy Part II
11-27-22........Daniel 11 "Unto the End" Part I
12-3-22 ........Daniel 11 Part II
12-11-22........Daniel 11 Part III #1
12-11-22........Daniel 11 Part III #2
12-18-22........Daniel 12 #1
12-18-22........Daniel 12 #2
12-25-22 The Greatest Gift
01-01-23........ "Help" (Select Scripture) Bill Hyslip
01-08-23 ..........#1 Colossians 1:1-14 "Greetings, Prayers, Faith & Love"
01-08-23........#2 Colossians 1:1-14 "Greetings, Prayer, Faith & Love"
01-15-23.......... #1 Colossians 1:15-23 "The Preeminence of Christ"
01-22-23..........Mission Statement
01-29-23..........Colossians 1:24-2:5 "How Great a Struggle"
02-05-23..........#1 Colossians 2:6-15 "Walking in Christ"
02-05-23..........#2 Colossians 2:6-15 "Walking in Christ"
02-12-23...........#1 Colossians 2:16-23 "Let no one disqualify you"
02-12-23..........#2 Colossians 2:16-23 "Let no one disqualify you"
02-19-23..........#1 Colossians 3:1-10 "Take off the old self Part 1"
02-19-23..........#2 Colossians 3:1-10 "Tke off the old self Part 1"
02-26-23..........#1 Colossians 3:11-17 "Put on the new self Part II"
02-26-23..........#2 Colossians 3:11-17 "Put on the new self Part II"
03-05-23..........#1 Colossians 3:18-4:1 "Instructions for the Family Part III"
03-05-23.......... #2 Colossians 3:18-4:1 "Instructions for the Family Part III"
03-12-23......... #1 Colossians 4:2-6 "Further Instruction: Mission to the World"
03-12-23..........#2 Colossians 4:2-6 "Further Instructions: Mission to the World"
03-19-23..........Colossians 4:7-18 "Paul's Closing Greetings"
03-26-23..........#1 Philemon "Christian Examples and Pauls' Request"
03-26-23..........#2 Philemon "Christian Examples and Pauls' Request"
04-02-23..........#1 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 "Background and Greetings"
04-02-23..........#2 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 "Background and Greetings"
04-09-23..........Easter "Jesus the Risen Lord and Savior"
4-16-23.......... 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12"Our message was not in vain"
04-30-23..........1st Thessalonians 3:8-4:12 "Called to Holiness"
05-07-23.........."The Rapture of the Church"
05-14-23..........1st Thessalonians 5:1-11 "The Day of The Lord"
05-21-23..........1 thessalonians 5:12-28 "Living in Expectation of the Lord's Return"
05-28-23..........2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 "The Judgement at Jesus' Return"
06-04-23.......... 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 "The Man of Lawlessness"
06-11-23..........2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 "He Has Chosen You"
06-18-23.......... 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 "Warning against Idleness"
6-25-23..........Romans 1:1-17 "Paul's greeting and purpose"
07-02-23..........Romans 1:18-32 "The Rebellion of Mankind and Gods' Wrath"
07-09-23..........Romans 2:1-16 "God's Righteous Judgement and Empartiality - Pt !"
07-16-23........... Romans 2:17-3:8 "Gods' Righteous Judgement and Impartiality-Pt 2"
07-23-23..........Hyslip John 1:1-5 "Christmas In July" Part 1
07-30-23............ Hyslip John 1:6-14 "Christmas in July" Part 2
08-06-23..........Romans 3:9-31 " No One is Righteous but God"
08-13-03...........Romans 4:1-12 "Righteousness by Faith Demonstrated in Abraham"
08-20-23..........Romans 4:13-25 "Faith Exemplified in Abraham"
08-27-23.......... Hyslip Selected Scriptures "Beginning and Never-Ending"
09-03-23..........Hyslip "The Power Behind Our Salvation"
9-10-23..........Romans 5:1-11 "Peace with God through the Lord Jesus"
09-17-23.......... Romans 5:12-21 "The Reign of Life Through Jesus Christ"
09-24-23..........Romans 6:1-14 "Consider yourselves Dead to Sin and Alive to God"
10-01-23..........Romans 6:15-23 "Are you a slave to sin or righteousness"
10-08-23..........Romans 7:1-6 "Released from the Law we serve in The Spirit"
10-15-23..........Romans 7:7-25 "The Relation between Law, Sin, and Self"
10-22-23.......... romans 8:1-17 " The Mind set on the Flesh versus the Spirit"
10-29-23.......... Romans 8:18-28 " The Glory to be Revealed"
11-5-23.......... Romans 8:29-29 "Who shall charge God's Elect?"
11-12-23........... Romans 9:1-13 " God's Sovereign Choice - Part I"
11-19-23..........Hyslip "Change Happens!"
11-26-23.......... Romans 9:14-29 "God's Sovereign Choice-Part!!"
12-3-23.......... Romans 9:30 - 10:13 "The Remnant of Israel - Part 1"
12-17-23..........Romans 11:7-24 " The Wild Olive Shoot Grafted In"
12-24-23.......... "Why we celebrate Christmas"
12-31-23.......... Romans 11:25-36 "The Mystery of Israel's Salvation"
01-14-24.......... #1 Romans 12:9-21 "Be Transformed into a Living Sacrifice Part II"
01-14-24..........#2 Romans 12:9-21 "Be Transformed into a Living Sacrifice Part II"
01-21-24.......... Romans 13:1-7 "Christians and Governing Authorities"
01-28-24.......... Romans 13:8-14 "Love Fulfills the Law"
02-04-24..........Romans 14:1-12 "Judgement amonng fellow Believers"
02-11-24..........Romans 14:13-23 "Causing Others to stumble"
02-18-24..........Romans 15:1--7 "Obligation of the stronf to the weak"
2-25-24..........Romanss 15:8-13 "God, the hope of Jew and Gentile"
03-03-24..........Romans 15:14-33 "PAul's Ministry to the Gentiles"
03-10-24..........Romans 16:1-27 "Paul's Final Greeting and Instructions"
03-17-24..........Ezekiel 1:1-14 "Introduction to Ezekiel and his vision" Part 1
03-24-24.......... Ezekiel 1:15-28 "Ezekiel and his Vison" Part 2
03-31-24 Easter.......... Ephesians 2:1-22 "He Himself is our Peace"
04-07-24..........Ezekiel 2:1-3:3 "Sent to Rebellious People" - Part 1
04-24-24..........Ezekial 3:4-15 "Sent to a Rebbelious People" Part II
04-21-24..........Ezekiel 3:16-27 "Ezekiel, Israels' Wtchman"
04-28-24........... Ezekiel 4:1-17 "Coming Siege of Jerusalem"
05-12-24..........Ezekiel 6:1-14 "Israel's Idolatry to be Judged"
05-19-24..........Assorted Scripture Forgive and Forget?
05-26-24..........Acts 16:9-15, 29-33 Paul's Into to Phillipi
06-02-24..........Philippians 1:1-2 Into To Philippians
06-09-24..........Philippians 1:3-11 "Paul's Philippian Prayers"
6-16-24 .......... Philippians 1:12-15 "It's All Good"
6-23-24..........WIN-WIN SITUATION (Philippians 1:19-26)
6-30-24.......... LESSON ON LIBERTY (Selected Scriptures)
07-07-24..........Philippians 1:27-30 Conduct Becoming A Citizen of Heaven
7-14-24..........Philippians 2:1-4 Calling all Christians
07-21-24.......... Philippians 2:5-11 "Lofty to Lowly to Lofty Again"
07-28-24.......... Philipians 2:12-18 "Three "R's" of Christian Living
08-04-24..........Philippians 2:19-24 "A Tale of Two Servants-Part One"
08-11-24.......... Philippians 2:25-30 "A Tale of Two Servants Part 2"
08-18-24..........Philippians 3:1-3 "Looking Good"
08-25-24..........Philippians 3:4-6 "The Perfection Of Paul Part 1"
09-01-24 Philippians 3:7-10 "The Perfection of Paul-Part II"
09-08-24 ..........Philippians 3 10-14 "The Perfection of Paul - Part III"
09-13-24.......... Philippians 3:15-21 "WHat Now?"
09-22-24.......... Philippians 4:1-3 "Total Encouragement"
09-29-24..........Philippians 4:4-7 "Spirited Exhortations"
10-06-24.......... Philippians 4:8-9 "Prescription for Spiritual Health"
10-13-24..........Philippians 4:10-13 "PLEASING PROVISION AND PROMISE Part One"
10-20-2024..........Philippians 4:14-23 "Pleasing Provision and Promise - Part 2"
11-3-24..........Johhn 1:1-3 "Word IS.....(Part 1)
11-10-24.......... John 1:4-5 "Word Is.....(Part 2)
11-17-24..........John 1:6-13 "There Came A Man"
11-24-24...........John 1:14-18 "The Word Became Flesh"
12-01-24..........John 1:19-34 "Positive Identification"
12-08-24.......... John 1:35-51 "A Magnificent Seven"
12-15-24..........John 2:1-11 "The Life of the Party"
12-22-24.........."A Simple Christmas Message"
12-29-24..........John 2:12-25 "Cleaning House"
01-05-2025..........John 3:1-10 "An Episode of Nic At Night"
01-12-25..........John 3:11-21 "Lessons from the Lighthouse
01-19-2025..........John 3:22-36 "Taking Steps"